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Better Banking Services since 58 years with trust
One of the largest banks of India. Years of expertise and successful management has helped it achieve great heights.
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ANSC Bank Ltd.
Board of Directors

Mr. Bhagat Singh (Chairman)
Mr. Bhagat Singh, Chairman in his address informed the gathering that the A & N State Cooperative Bank Ltd has received the Best overall Performance Award in the Country for the year 2015-16 from National Federation of State Cooperative Banks very recently on 20.07.2018 and another two Awards at the 37th Foundation Day of NABARD for Port Blair and Diglipur branch for SHG promotions and credit linkages. The Chairman further informed that the bank is rendering services to the remotest part of the Island.He also urged all the general public to come forward and avail ATM services and open Saving Bank Account in Zero balance and get into banking fold.

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The ANSC Bank Ltd. have been granted a license by the
Reserve Bank of India to carry on Banking business in India.
Recent News
ANSCB Computerisation
The A & N State Cooperative Bank Ltd has implemented ‘Core Banking Solution’(CBS) in all its branches with a centralized data centre at Pune with the support of Wipro Ltd, The ‘CBS’ upon customization, would work on a virtual single database, with the capability of system administration, in respect of user administration, product creation and the like, provided to the operations of the A & N State Cooperative Bank Ltd. It is envisaged to parameterize the different products specific. As on date, all the 41 Branches of the Bank are computerized and migrated to Core Banking Solution and working online. Bank has taken up new technological initiatives by entering into the centralized payments system offering RTGS/NEFT services to the customers from October 2014 onwards. Further Direct Benefit Transfer (DBTL), and Aadhar Based Payment Bridge System (ABPBs) are also implemented for providing immediate release of subsidies to the clients of Banks